We provide top-notch therapy services to help individuals overcome emotional and mental health challenges. Our highly experienced and compassionate therapists are committed to delivering personalized, evidence-based treatment for a variety of concerns, including anxiety, depression, stress management, relationship issues, and more.
Therapy Services
Why Choose Westlake’s Mental Health Therapists

CBT Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Treatment
Empower Your Mind for Lasting Change
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a general term for a range of therapies that emphasize the role of thinking and self-awareness in a person’s thoughts, actions, and emotions. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy focuses on identifying and rectifying maladaptive thinking patterns, and encompasses features of cognitive therapy, rational behavioral therapy, and other therapeutic approaches. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy sessions are designed to lead to the patient toward an awareness and understanding of the negative thoughts that may be precluding him or her from achieving to his or her greatest potential. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can lead to a range of benefits, including the following:
- Identifying negative thoughts and emotions
- Preventing addiction relapse
- Managing anger
- Coping with grief and loss
- Managing chronic pain
- Overcoming trauma and dealing with PTSD
- Overcoming sleep disorders
- Resolving relationship difficulties